Welcome! We are so glad you are interested in becoming a member of our group and we look forward to meeting you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
New Member Trial Classes:
All new members are encouraged to attend a trial class prior to enrollment to ensure proper placement. We place students into classes based on their own personal strengths, not just by age. Many things play a part in deciding which class is best for each dancer, including prior experience, knowledge, and seriousness. During your first class, you will get to meet our teachers, explore our studio, and learn more about our program. While you are giving one of our dance classes a try, we will be assessing your readiness and ability to ensure a fun and challenging class placement. During trial classes we ask students to try out basic stretches, a simple warm up, and a few basic ballet movements based upon their prior experience if any. Dancers may wear a leotard and tights with ballet or jazz shoes if they have them, but any exercise attire and socks will work well. Hair should be pulled back into a bun or ponytail. Parents are welcome to watch trial classes inside the studio.
Things we look for in addition to physical flexibility, strength, and natural ability:
Enjoyment of the movements and environment
Ability to listen and apply directions
Ability to pay attention and stay focused for the entire class
Ability to interact nicely with other dancers and the staff
Trial Class Schedule for fall 2023 enrollment:
* Please contact us to sign up. There is no charge for trial classes. Although we try our best to place all prospective students, attending a trial class is not a guarantee of membership.
#1 - August (To Be Determined, please call)
3-5 year olds 4:45-5:15 PM
6-10 year olds 5:30-6:00 PM
11+ by Appointment
#2 - September (To Be Determined, please call)
3-5 year olds 5:00-5:30 PM
6-10 year olds 5:45-6:15 PM
11+ by Appointment